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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What are Your Top Three?

So, you get your audit done, and it's an extensive report. Luckily, EcoFab was kind enough to provide you a short list of high priority things to work on. So, what are your top three, based on your energy audit report?
Are there enough of us looking for the same kind of repair that we want to consider something out-of-the-box, like trying to get a discount on work or materials?


  1. From JM: Top three were
    1. Air Sealing
    2. Seal and insulate exposed duct work
    3. Insulate main floor in crawl space

    Planning to do the air sealing themselves, then look at sealing and insulating exposed duct work.

  2. -Air Sealing
    -Seal and Insulate all exposed duct work
    -Increase attic insulation

    I'm taking care of these 3 areas before the end of April

  3. From RJ: My top three were -

    1. Seal and insulate exposed duct work
    2. Air sealing
    3. Insulate attic above laundry room (bare areas where no insulation exists)

    Just got the report today - figuring out a plan of attack

  4. I didn't actually get a prioritized list (I was early in the audit process!), but am focusing on floor insulation, which will include sealing up duct connections and redoing my dryer ducting.
